/ Services / Public procurement

Public procurement

Procedures under the Public Procurement Law require specific expertise, strategy as well as accuracy, and we have mastered these three factors over the years of experience.

We offer top quality legal services tailored to all types of contract award procedures. Risk management is the cornerstone of any tendering procedure and contractual arrangement. We assist Clients in developing flexible strategies and provide support in negotiating and drafting contracts as well as addressing concerns about the evaluation process. We provide legal services in the field of public procurement and public-private partnerships (PPP) for major infrastructure and construction projects.

Our services include thorough analysis of tender documents to identify potential risks, support in preparing applications or offers by determining the necessary documents, ongoing advice throughout the tender procedure, including in terms of submitting clarification questions, compliance assessment regarding actions taken by contracting authorities, and representation in proceedings held before the National Board of Appeal or state court.

We provide:

  • review of tender documents for possible risks,
  • support in preparing the application/tender,
  • ongoing advice at every step of the tendering process,
  • compliance assessment of actions taken by contracting authorities in the process,
  • representation before the National Appeals Chamber (KIO) and the Public Procurement Court,
  • trainings on issues related to the Public procurement law.


Railroad works in north-eastern Poland

Legal advice for the winning consortium of contractors tendering for a public procurement project related to railroad works in north-eastern Poland. The services entailed preparation of tender documentation, support in the process of submitting explanations, and representation before the National Chamber of Appeal. Value: EUR 120 million

Construction of a waste incineration plant in Gdansk

Advising in connection with an investment implemented under the public-private partnership formula, the subject of which is the construction and operation of a Municipal Waste Thermal Treatment Plant in Gdańsk. Value: EUR 200 million

Transport framework agreement for strategic public company

Advising the winning contractor tendering for the contract on the provision of international transport services which entailed the preparation of tender documentation, submitting explanations, and representation before the National Chamber of Appeal. Value: EUR 12 million

Maintenance of national roads in south-eastern Poland

Advising the winning consortium of contractors tendering for the public procurement project regarding all-year maintenance of trunk roads in south-eastern Poland. Value EUR 50 million

Legal advice for projects related to the Central Communication Hub

Advising the contractor during the tender for the framework agreement on the preparation of project documentation for railroad investment projects associated with the construction of the Central Communication Hub. Value EUR 2.5 billion

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