/ News / #NewPPL: Change of legal taxonomy
12 August 2019 Download PDF

#NewPPL: Change of legal taxonomy

The upcoming new Public Procurement Law (“PPL”) act has a different taxonomy and chapter headings than the current one.

The existing breakdown has been almost fully revised already at this pre-enactment stage. ‘Classical’ contracts and those below EU thresholds have been organised under distinct titles. Separate sections have been devoted to utilities and defence contracts. Titles concerning alternative dispute resolution, public procurement audit and fines have been added. The “President of the Public Procurement Office” title has been replaced with a “Relevant Authorities for Public Procurement” title. The new piece of legislation will have 13 titles instead of the existing 9 titles.

Interestingly, the new act provides for a hotline to be set up a the Public Procurement Office. Be on the lookout for new updates on changes to the PPL act.


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